February 2022: School Administrator


Additional Articles


Editor's Note

Connectivity in Human Terms

Nearly two years ago, when schools everywhere scrambled to provide broadband access during remote teaching and learning, we figured a theme issue on digital connectivity made a lot of sense. But as we moved through the opening months of the 2021-22 school year with the majority of schools operating in-person, we concluded that the human connections among educators and with students de-served as much attention.

The expanded focus brought us to Susan Enfield, the widely admired superintendent of Washington’s Highline Public Schools, a school district that has committed to ensuring human connectivity through its distinctive practices. You can read about these in an article by Enfield and a companion piece by a district colleague on supporting the well-being of staff members.

Of course, we don’t want you to overlook the contribution of Jessica Rosenworcel, the recently appointed chair of the Federal Communications Commission, on her agency’s multi-program support of digital connectivity for families and schools. Aleck Johnson of EdTech Strategies details how local schools might take advantage of those federally funded opportunities.

On the matter of connections, we hope you will reach out to us at School Administrator to let us know what we might offer in 2022 that will best meet your needs and interests. I’ll be on the other end of any connection you make.

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

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