Editorial Calendar

2024 Editorial Calendar for School Administrator Magazine
JanuaryPublic Health in Public Schooling (due 8/1)
February Cybersecurity / Data Privacy (due 9/1)
MarchTime in School / Remote Instruction (due 10/1)
AprilClimate & Sustainability (due 11/1)
MayPersonnel: Hiring, Retaining, Supervising (due 12/1)
JuneChanging Mindsets (due 1/1/24)
AugustPotpourri (miscellany subjects) (due 3/1)
SeptemberPartisan Politics and Effects on Education (due 4/1)
October Student Motivation and Ownership / Absenteeism (due 5/1)
NovemberArtificial Intelligence (due 6/1)
DecemberGrading and Assessment (due 7/1)
  1. Schedule is subject to change;
  2. Major article assignments related to the theme generally are finalized at least five months prior to publication date;
  3. Only a portion of each issue relates directly to the editorial theme. Submissions on topics unrelated to themes are welcome for consideration. Submissions on topics unrelated to themes are welcome for consideration. See https://www.aasa.org/publications/school-administrator/author-guidelines.
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