June 2024: School Administrator

This issue examines how school districts can modify attitudes about cellphones in schools, staff training and inclusion of all children with disabilities to improve teaching and learning experiences.
Additional Articles
What Moves the Dial on Inclusion? Our Mindsets and Beliefs
Share the research, tell stories and listen to students’ voices when you’re ready to move students with disabilities into classes with their peers.
From a Professional Development to a Professional Learning Mindset
How three school districts in Utah shifted mindsets to reimagine leadership, teaching and learning.
Executive Function Skills in a Comprehensive Curriculum
A child development researcher on the skills students need to focus their attention, adopt new perspectives and manage their emotions.
Salary Ratios
The differences in median salary between teacher to superintendent.
Forcing Actions Beyond Words
Our panel analyzes how a superintendent should respond to dissonance between a state association’s words and actions when it comes to diversity and equity.
Religious Accommodations: New Standards
The latest legal precedents for determining reasonable measures for employees’ faith-based practices.
Board Members’ Pursuit of Information
Being inundated with requests by the board is problematic and costly. Establishing procedures can help.
Transitioning from Superintendent to Mentor
A retired superintendent discovers the need for cultivating new forms of relationship when coaching new leaders.
In District Budget Cutting, Count on These Five Factors
A veteran superintendent shares the certainties you can expect when planning spending reductions.
Three Proven Ways to Develop Inclusive Mindsets
Aligned strategies that serve as interlocking building blocks of inclusive school cultures.
Stepping into the International Landscape
AASA’s outgoing president reflects on how trips abroad to visit school systems have enriched her view of what schools can be.
Changing Mindsets Before It’s Too Late
How many leaders operate in a way that does not plan for or recognize the shifting world?
Sidelight: Joan Mast
A Sidelight on Joan Mast, superintendent, Scotch Plains-Fanwood, N.J., and personal trainer of a district therapy dog.
A Dream Builder and Change Agent
The 2024 National Superintendent of the Year finalist and superintendent in Dublin, Ga., is a builder of dreams.
Outside Thinking Applied
We can learn a great deal about how to change people’s mindsets from the wider research field of organizational leadership, so I’m excited that our June issue captures some of that thinking and applies it to leadership of K-12 school systems.
Our lead piece “Breaking Through for Positive Change” by Sally Susman, a corporate executive with Pfizer, speaks clearly to the messaging that organizational leaders must exercise to cut through the noise and division in society today. Susman came to our attention by virtue of her recent book Breaking Through: Communicating to Open Minds, Move Hearts, and Change the World.
Another contributor is Mary Herrmann, a former superintendent who now prepares future superintendents. She shares with us some recent literature in Harvard Business Review and elsewhere that may resonate for our readers when it comes to influencing people’s attitudes and actions.
Other informative pieces on changing mindsets explore cellphone use in schools and getting staff and parents to buy into the inclusion of all students with disabilities in regular classrooms.
On a final note, I want to mark the impending retirement of colleague Mort Sherman, a senior associate executive at AASA. He has been an important contributor over my three-decade tenure with his insightful writing, relevant story ideas and solid leads to writers (including one in this issue). Thank you, Mort, for all of that.
Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator