USDA Releases Final Rule on Child Nutrition Standards
April 24, 2024
On April 24, USDA released the long-awaited final rule for updates to the school nutrition standards for the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. Read/download our full summary here.
Key takeaways:
- Schools will not have to do anything for SY24-25 – everything will remain the same.
- Sodium is far less stringent than the original proposal – there will only be one more reduction.
- Milk and whole grain rules remain the same as now.
- Moving forward states are not required to take fiscal action against districts who are not able to be in compliance due to supply chain disruptions for other issues.
Summary of Provisions
Sodium: The final rule for sodium is less stringent than the proposed levels we saw in 2023, which proposed 3 separate reductions of sodium. The final rule requires one phased-in reduction of sodium, stopping at Target 2. Schools will have until SY27-28 to be in compliance.

The changes to the sodium policy was a significant win for AASA. We advocated for USDA to reevaluate their sodium proposal in our comments due to its negative impact on palatability of meals. We urged USDA to remain at the current sodium levels, but understanding the pressures to move on sodium proposed this as a compromise. We know the existing limits are already challenging, but we believe this is a more reasonable and achievable path forward.
Additionally, USDA has committed to conducting a study on potential associations between sodium reduction and student participation.
Added Sugars: For the first time, USDA is creating limits on added sugar in products served. First, beginning in fall of 2025, the rule limits added sugars in certain products:
- Breakfast cereals may have no more than 6 grams of added sugars per dry ounce.
- Yogurt may have no more than 12 grams of added sugars per 6 ounces (2 grams of added sugars per ounce).
- Flavored milk may have no more than 10 grams of added sugars per 8 fluid ounces or, for flavored milk sold as a competitive food for middle and high schools, 15 grams of added sugars per 12 fluid ounces.
In SY27-28, added sugars will be limited as part of the entire meal (the same way sodium is) - no more than 10% of the daily calories.
The proposed rule included a limit to how many days schools could serve “grain-based desserts” (i.e. cereal bars, doughnuts, sweet rolls, toaster pastries, coffee cakes, and fruit turnovers), that was removed from the final rule and will not be implemented.
Milk: Flavored low-fat or nonfat milk can continue to be served, it will just be subject to the new added sugar limits (effective SY25-26). Unflavored milk must still be offered at each school lunch and breakfast meal service.
In addition to the changes to sodium and added sugars, USDA made other changes to meal planning requirements, Buy American, hiring standards and more. Read our full summary here.
Additional Resources:
Comparison Chart: 2023 Proposed Standards v. 2024 Final Standards
Implementation Timeline
Video: Rule Overview
Video: Added Sugars
Access additional guidance, policy updates and resources for schools & districts focused on nutritional standards and access to school meals on the School Nutrition Key Issue page.