May 2022: School Administrator


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Editor's Note

Media Literacy Among Civics

As a journalism educator on the collegiate level for quite a few years, I’ve harbored concerns about the capacity of my students, who should be skilled in differentiating fact from fiction, to ferret out misinformation whenever they encounter it. A good journalist, I tell these fledgling editors, ought to be skeptical by nature.

The start of skill building in media literacy rightfully begins in K-12 education. That’s one of the emphases you’ll find in this month’s issue, devoted to civics education and related topics. Joel Breakstone of the Stanford History Education Group describes a program for teaching online reasoning across the curriculum, while Charles Salter, earlier a superintendent now running the News Literacy Project, makes a strong case for the same.

Our attention to media literacy among students fits naturally amidst wider attention to civic skills. Of note, Pedro Noguera and Rick Hess, usually at odds ideologically on any number of issues, find common ground on what ought to constitute civics instruction. We’re also publishing a rather unusual judicial order rendered by a federal judge in Rhode Island in which he lays out the vital need for civics education among students for the survival of our democracy.

Plenty of good reading, and we invite you to share your feedback with us.

Jay P. Goldman
Editor, School Administrator

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