Regional Calls with USED: A Recap

February 02, 2022

This year, AASA is pleased to be working with USED to facilitate ongoing, rotating regional calls for school superintendents to speak directly with USED Secretary Miguel Cardona and Deputy Secretary Cindy Marten. You can check out the anticipated schedule of upcoming calls here. USED followed up with a variety of resources mentioned during the call, that we are happy to share here:

  1. COVID-19 Testing  
  2. Staffing Shortages  
  3. American Rescue Plan (ARP)
    • We encourage you to share the ways you are using ARP funds throughout your school communities. The Department recently launched #ARPStars, a social media campaign highlighting schools, states, and educators – in their own words – doing everything they can to fight COVID-19 and give students, teachers, and families the tools they need to succeed. Check out their first few posts. Share your projects, use the hashtag and they will lift up the posts!