Distinguished Service Award Nomination Form

AASA begins accepting nominations in April annually.

Nominations must be completed via the form below by September 1.

At least two but no more than four pages of additional data must be attached to the nomination form below.

No publications or additional testimonials will be accepted.

Nominees must meet the following criteria:

  • Has been an AASA member for at least 10 years
  • Has been retired for at least one year
  • Has brought honor to themselves, their colleagues and their profession
  • Has given exemplary service to their state or national professional association
  • Has made significant contributions to the field of education through their service, writings and other activities

* denotes required field

Nominee Information

Please include street address, city, state, and zip code.

Include Month & Year

Nominee Accomplishments

Has nominee made a contribution in education or school administration that has had a national impact?*

Has the nominee produced any writing that has been published statewide or nationally?*

If Yes, please list a maximum of 3 under each category below

Include organization name and position held

Include organization name and position held

Some person may be nominated for which this form is inappropriate to use in establishing that person’s eligibility for nomination. If so, please attach a statement of no more than two pages which would cite the person’s uniqueness that justifies receiving a Distinguished Service Award.

This field is required

Please attach no less than two and no more than four pages citing other items that ought to be reviewed when considering the nominee.*

This field is required

Add another
Has the nominee been a member of AASA for at least ten years?*

Nominator Information

Please include street, city, state and zip code.

Please Note: If you hit the submit button and are not taken to a confirmation message, you are missing a required field. Please review the form and fill out all required fields to successfully submit your nomination.