Mid-Tenure Leadership

Type: Infographic
Topics: School Administrator Magazine

May 01, 2023

bar graph long term plansThe risk of superintendent turnover is highest among those in the middle of their careers. A survey by EAB in early 2023 found fewer than 40 percent of sitting superintendents with three to 10 years in the role could foresee staying in the job for at least several more years. This compares with more than 80 percent of those with three years or fewer in the superintendency and 55 percent of those with 10-plus years of experience.

The middle tenure leaders said they were more likely than those at either end of the experience curve to be “seeing how this year goes” before deciding their long-term plans.

Source: “2023 Voice of the Superintendent,” produced by EAB. More details at EAB.com.



